Support PTA-Committees

We can’t do it alone. We need manpower to run the PTA and to provide successful services to our children, teachers, and school. It’s fun to connect with other parents, to be creative and brainstorm together, and to experience the many smiles on our children’s faces thanks to our programs.

We have following committees which we need help with and remember, no contribution is too little. You can work on a project-base or help throughout the year, whatever suits your schedule and interests.


Membership Committee


Help us to excite our staff and school community to join the PTA. Be at school events, talk about the PTA, provide sign up sheets, and help potential members to sign up. This position requires some commitment to attend school events and staff the PTA table.

Spanish Translation Committee

Chair: position is available

Assist in translating all communication materials and posts on website and list serve in Spanish. This can be done from home on a flexible schedule. 

 Room Parent Committee


Recruit room parents, with the goal of identifying a room parent for each class. Communicate with the school community, room parents, and teachers about the room parent program. Develop and provide information and materials to assist room parents. Answer questions and provide support to room parents and teachers as required. Assess how the program is working; implement needed improvements.

Communications Committee


Manage the website, monitor the list serve, and help reaching out to the Glen Haven ES community. Your level of involvement is very flexible.

After School Programs Committee

Chair: position is available

Research and pre-select after school programs. Coordinate programs with providers, PTA schedule, and school. Assess student, parent and provider experience; identify and implement adjustments as necessary.

Staff Appreciation Committee

Chair: position is available

Organize three staff appreciation events per year. Decide on the theme or sponsor, organize volunteers to provide food and time.

Fundraising Committee

Chair: position is available

Be creative and help raise funds through different vehicles like events, restaurant nights, and other fundraisers. Your level of involvement is very flexible.

Finance Committee

Chair: Treasurer

Help the PTA remain compliant with state and local filings, balance the books, and support the annual audit.  If you enjoy making sure every penny is accounted for, we’d love for you to join the team!

Book Fair Committee

Chair: position is available

Organize the book fair, communicate with Scholastic, handle set up, and organize volunteers. There are three book fairs per year.

STEM Committee


Help developing the curriculum and the agenda for this fun filled day, locate volunteers.